Hedge trimming

Growing up in Australia with very few hedges I’d never had the opportunity to trim a hedge before, so it was here I had my first topiary experience. Given the time of year I had a good rummage beforehand for any sign of nesting birds or other wildlife. There was no sign of life in this section, I expect because there are so many alternative locations for nesting here at Fougis.





After (that bare patch was already there!)

After (that bare patch was already there!)

I worked my way up to this final challenge - a hedge with a curve and a slope. It was also directly outside Christine and Christophe’s front door so no pressure…

Facing downhill (before)

Facing downhill (before)

Facing uphill (before)

Facing uphill (before)

Facing downhill (after)

Facing downhill (after)

Facing uphill (after)

Facing uphill (after)